Thursday, November 11, 2010

Flow Chart

The purpose of creating the flow chart was to make the process of purchasing a book on simple and understandable. The commonly recognized symbols were used in the flow chart for different types of steps such as decisions, processes, and terminator. These symbols aid in the organization of events. The flow chart created a guide for an audience to follow step by step. While creating the flow chart I realized how much goes into the thought and process of purchasing a book online without even realizing it. It seems so simple when doing so but then when I was creating the flow chart I realized there were more steps than I thought. Amazon does well visually organizing and displaying their information in a way that creates less work for the audience to find what they are looking for. The flow chart made me think of the process differently because circumstances had to be formed into questions. In making things into questions I found that there were more questions to be asked then I thought of at first. A flow chart is a very useful visual when describing a process to someone. It is easy to follow because questions are answered with either a “yes” or a “no” making the reader pick one of two options as suppose to several options. Then following the answer brings you to one more item, not a variety. Then after following all of the steps there is an endpoint that is clearly reached. The endpoint using a separate symbol gives a reaction right away that the process is over. With the process of buying the book it doesn’t matter which route the reader has to take, at the end they are still purchasing the book.

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